Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year Everyone! I know I am a little late, but it still counts right? So much has happened in the last year, all kinds of stuff, fun stuff, inspiring stuff, hard stuff, everything. And at the beginning of last year... I would have NEVER expected to have been in NYC, ever. I have learned so much from being here, and cannot wait to apply it to my portfolio. Thanks for all your support everyone, and i hope this year is amazing for you as well!

Oh... and something that made me so very excited. I was featured on a blog called Design Work Life! Here is the link. I was so honored and excited to be on here and thought I would share it with you guys!


  1. that is so awesome brett! you are so talented i can't wait to see what you end up doing!

  2. Thanks Rae! I sure miss you guys, I wish I were there to see the Features with you all, you know how I love to dance.
