Friday, January 1, 2010

My Parents Trip To NYC!

After many canceled flights and layovers, my parents finally made it to New York! I was so glad! I went to pick them up at 11:30 PM Sunday night, talk about red eye flight.... and we all talked for a bit and went straight to bed. The snow was unbelievable, but we kept on trudging through to see the city. We went to Central Park to see the amazing snow and frozen ponds. It was really beautiful there. We made it to Chinatown, Little Italy, Soho, The Museum of Natural History, Rockefeller Center, The Today Show, Christmas shopping on Fifth Avenue, Christmas Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral, THe museum of Metropolitan Art, Bark, a Brooklyn hot dog restaurant, Saw the Phantom of the Opera, Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.... and that is not even everything. WE DID A LOT!

Here are some pictures of us in Central Park, it looked amazing i the snow.

Bundled up to get on the ferry to see the Statue Of Liberty and Ellis Island. It was soooooo cold... so very cold. I couldnt feel my jaw for most of the day. The picture below is one of my favorite pictures of mom and dad... I don't exactly know why, but i love it.

Here we are on Liberty Island with the Manhattan skyline behind us!

Mom and dad admiring the statue.

As we were waiting to get on the ferry to Ellis Island, a lone bird decided to approach the crowd and beg for food. Someone gave him a piece of food.... so naturally another bird came, then a seagull, then a team of seagulls swarming our heads! I had just watched Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" so this was not a good moment for me. They were dive bombing our heads, so naturally I decided to just take pictures... got some pretty cool bird pictures despite the attack.

This was outside the ferry window on our way back to Manhattan. I thought it looked pretty cool.

Afterwards, we went to see the Phantom of the Opera and it was amazing! The set was incredible, really a very cool play.

Well, we had planned to go home on the 23rd, but got a call saying that our flight was mysteriously canceled to Chicago, while all other flights to Chicago continued on. Needless to say we were pretty bummed out... me especially. We went home and made some cookies and went to bed. The next day was Christmas Eve so we went Christmas shopping and ended up having a wonderful day... we wanted to be home, but made the most of it! I am so glad we did, it was a great day.

Home bound! We went home and Krista and Jon greeted me with a Cherry Lemon Sun Drop, how i have missed thee. It was wonderful. We went home and the Christmas festivities began, it was so great to be home again.

THe picture below needs some explaining. Krista and I leave this toy with each other each time we visit each other. He is usually hidden in laundry detergent, a box of sugar, in my socks, in my pillow, and once in the shower. You never know where he is going to turn up! Mom and dad brought him with them so I photographed him here! Dad suggested we make a snowman out of Shrek baby, so we did.... Here he is!

Wayne is here now and we are headed to the Polar Bear Plunge at Brighton Beach so I will post pics of that soon!



  1. Anonymous4.1.10

    great seagull shots!

  2. Thanks! They nearly killed us, but at least it would have been photographed... right?
