Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ashley Leaves, Jason Comes!

It was time for Ashley to head back to TN. So glad she could come and visit! It makes me thankful that a few friends could come visit! We went to the airport that morning and this pile of mess was what she had to get on the plane. She obviously bought a few things on this trip. ha.

After being told to "consolidate" by a feisty older airport employee, I had to jump on the suitcase in order to get it to close...

Ashley had a safe trip home and I went to the Borders bookstore for 3 hours and waited on my cousin Jason to come! It was great that they were both coming in on the same day since I live 2 hours from the airport.

When Jason arrived we dropped his things off at my apartment and went to Bark hot dogs in Brooklyn. It was so delicious! Everything made in the restaurant is bought locally and organic. Even the sodas were made by a family owned Soda company in Pennsylvania. I like it when people support local businesses.

Jason got the classic dog and treated me to a bacon cheddar dog! So so good. Homemade cheddar sauce.... on the fries as well. I have a feeling my dad is going to like this place a lot.

We went up to Times Square so we could start on our whirlwind tour of NYC. We got to bed early in order to fit in a full day the next day.

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