Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rockafeller Christmas Tree Lighting!

Ashley and I braved the pouring rain and the intense crowds of over 100,000 people and went to Rockefeller Center to see the lighting of the Christmas tree on her last night in NYC! The weather was not that friendly, but we still had a good time! Michael Buble, The Muppets, Shakira, Aretha Franklin, Rod Stuart, and many more decided to turn up for the lighting ceremony complete with a performance from the Radio City Rockettes! It really put me in the Christmas spirit, which has been weird for me because the days leading up to Christmas are so totally different for me than they have been in the past. Here is a video of the ceremony, Feliz Navidad!

After the songs they finally decided to light the tree! I was so very excited. i will put pictures on here of the tree later, but it was rather pointless to try and take any since it was totally swarmed with onlookers so I will have to go back and take some when its not so crowded.

On my way home, this subway attendant had decided to decorate his service booth for Christmas! It made me laugh because you could barely see him.

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