Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Ballet and Polar bears!

Well, as you all know I went to see the Nutcracker. It was so incredible... I have decided that I am going to marry a ballerina. It was the craziest thing to watch them just float around on the stage. Another thing, the music was so incredible! The orchestra was just great... It was a very cool experience.

When I got inside, you couldn't take pictures... not even of the theater before it started, so I snapped this one of the fountain and the building outside.

Lauren and Josh had their annual ornament trade party in TN and I was obviously unable to go... BUT through Ichat it was just like I was there! Lauren set up her computer in the living room and I was right in the middle of the party. I was on Ichat with them for around 4 hours... ha. I got to see them open the ornaments I had mailed to them to open at the party. It was very nice to be able to "be there" although I did want some of that food... Josh is an amazing cook.

Here are the ornaments I made. They are polar bears made out of roving wool. I used a technique called needle felting, it took a long time, but I think the bears ended up pretty cool.

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