Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Whirlwind Tour Begins...

We did a lot of stuff Friday! I am just going to post up the pictures so you can see it all and write a few captions on it... It was sooooooooooo cold.

Jason and I woke up really early and made out way down to the Today show. We didn't get on TV but this picture was taken just after Jason shook Al Roker's hand!

On our way to Central Park we passed Trump Hotel... he has building and all kinds of things all ever town.

King of the Hill in Central Park!

Just me hanging out with Hans Christian Anderson in Central Park.

Macy's. the world's largest store!

The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree in all it's glory!

Radio City Music Hall at Christmas. Notice the man at the table selling LED Christmas ornaments and such...

I really like what happens to lights when you blur the focus on your lens.

After all our exploring, we went back to the apt to catch some shut eye and then the next day we were headed to the Statue of Liberty. I got in trouble for taking this picture in a store... ha

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