Monday, November 30, 2009


As you all probably know by now macaroni is one of my very favorite dishes! Kyle told me about a place he saw on tv called the Mac Bar. It is a restaurant in SOHO that serves twelve different varieties of mac and cheese! I got the four cheese kind... so good! The design was incredible, it is always nice to see a concept fully thought out. The restaurant was even shaped in the shape of a small macaroni and the bowls were macaronis as well! Here is their website and you can check them out...

Here are a few of the pictures I took at the place.

So Ashley ran into the "Naked Cowboy" On Time's Square tonight... had to post the picture. He is actually wearing clothes, they are just not visible right now, but he sure liked Ashley.

After a quick walk around we ended up at Serendepity for dessert! Lauren told us to be sure and go here and get the Frozen Hot Chocolate! It was soooo very good! The place was so beautiful all decorated for Christmas!

On my way home tonight I got stuck in the subway for about an hour due to construction, but saw this sign and realized... IT"S MY BIRTHDAY!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hello All! Sorry it has been a while since my last blog! I have been playing tour guide this week, and I am so tired when I get home, but I had time to upload things tonight. As i said earlier, my friend Ashley is visiting and we went to central park the other day and found this amazing bubble artist. He went on for a long time and made bubbles, bubble so large they were the size of an automobile at some times. Here are a few pictures of him and his work.

I am finally uploading pics from Thanksgiving. What a day! Thanksgiving day was one of the most home sick days I have been here. I missed all my family, and all the traditions we do every year ( pass the spoon and such, ha ). But I was equally as excited... The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has been one of my dreams to come and see it on Thanksgiving Day. It's one of those things I thought I would never get to do, and I got to! I am a die hard fan of the parade, I get up and watch the hour long pre-show with Al Roker every year, and see all the behind the scenes stuff... and this year I actually go to go!

Ashley and I met up and went to see the balloon inflation that they have the night before the parade near Central Park. We were expecting a crowd, but no where near the number of people that ended up coming out. It was a rainy, crowded night, but was well worth it to see the balloons being blown up! It was weird because all the cartoon characters looked so sad all tied up on the pavement in nets, but they would have their time to fly tomorrow.

And the parade began! I had to wake up at 4:30 to meet up with Ashley and head to the parade route, but our hard work paid off! We got right on the front row on 42nd street and 6th Avenue. They were the perfect seats!

The parade was so good, i couldn't stop smiling the whole time! I was so glad to be there. After the parade I made my way over to my friend's house in Park Slope. The friends I made on the airplane introduced me to their daughter who lives one block up and two over from me. She had a wonderful family, and invited us over to Thanksgiving dinner! It was so good. She made four kinds of dressing and all home made pies... so very good. It was nice to have somewhere to go and celebrate Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for them.

All in all, Thanksgiving turned out to be a pretty great day, and I am so incredibly thankful for so many things in my life., including all of you guys!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The past few days have been so incredibly busy! I am going to try and catch up here for you all tho! Sunday night I was walking around Columbus Circle and came across the Time Warner Center. It is basically a huge indoor shopping mall, and inside they have these giant beautiful stars that preform a light show to different Christmas songs! It was very cool to watch. Here is a picture of them all blue!

Inside the Mall, is a small Rock and Roll Hall of Fame exhibition. This is the coat that Mick jagger wore on his first tour with the Rolling Stones, when Annie photographed him, and I would wear this every day... it's really cool.

My friend Ashley arrived yesterday! We had quite the adventure getting to and rom the airport, but managed to sort it all out. She is staying in the Upper West Side at a friend from Florida's place and it is very very nice. I wanted to give her the Big Apple tour so we started on Fifth Avenue, since her apt is so close to there. The Christmas windows are absolutely incredible.

This image is from the window at Tiffany's. The window cannot be much larger than 2 feet, so this is very intricate paper work... amazing.

These following pictures are from Bergdorf and Goodman womens store windows... by far the best windows in all of NYC. These polar bears are made of white fringe, pearl, shells, and all kinds of other stuff... amazing.

These next few windows are also from Bergdorf and Goodman's. They are part of a series called a Compendium of Curiosities, which are all inspired by Lewis Carrrols Alice in WOnderland. There was so much going on in these windows that you could get up close and really start to see all the tiny things inside... so very cool.

This window takes the perspective that you are looking down on a room from above... how clever.

At the end of the night, we went and got a huge slice of New York Cheescake at the Roxie. It was delicious...

Well i hope you all have enjoyed these Christmas windows! Today was pre parade day and we went to see the balloons get blowed up! Many more pictures to come tomorrow, i have to get in bed, I am getting up at four to ensure good parade seats! ha

Saturday, November 21, 2009

This day had its ups and downs.

This morning I woke up pretty sick, but made it thru it thanks to some home remedies (thanks mom!) After that it was the afternoon and the day got much better!

I went to Coney Island today. When I visited Kyle this summer we decided to go and visit after dark... we nearly died. I heard it was a much safer place in the day time and it certainly was. It was so beautiful there. I got there right about sunset time and wanted to take a few self portraits with my fancy new tripod that I am very very excited about. It worked out great!

The park had supposedly been sold and is supposed to be torn down, sad, but I understand, at night it is a magnet for crime. I just wish there were a solution where they could fix it up and make it nice, we shall see.

Here is the Wonder Wheel, COney Island's ferris wheel constructed in the 1920s. Kyle and I renamed it the wheel of death I believe... very fitting name. Let's just say we have learned a few things about construction since the 1920s.

It was all caged up so you couldn't go inside... bummer.

An interesting game where a "freak" runs around in circles as you shoot him with a paintball gun... there is not enough money in the world to pay me to be that poor guy.

Sunset from the Pier, as I was sitting here some lady from a German fashion magazine interviewed me and her photo guy took my picture to go inthe magazine... pretty funny, but i thought it was kinda cool. I told her I liked the 50s and such.

Here are some photos from my self portrait session today with my new tripod! WOO! I thought this was a beautiful area of the beach...