Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My First Day In NYC

Sunday was my first day in New York City, and it was a great day! i woke up early and went to the Gallery Church, it was amazing! I am so glad that there is a good place for me to serve here in the city! After church I went to Central Park! It was so beautiful there, the leaves were not fully orange yet, but I will go back when they do! The boats were all in the water and it looked like so much fun.

After hanging out, I went to Greenwich Village to find Annie's studio so I wouldn't be late. I was walking around and found this HATCH SHOW PRINT! One of my favorites, Johnny Cash, in the window of the Ralph Lauren Mens shop in Greenwich Village.

After walking around for a bit, I made my way to the High Line, its an old subway rail that was converted into a park. It's one of my favorite places in New York so far and thanks to Mr. Kyle Jones for telling me about it.

Then... on my way home I stopped by a certain place of business that I know my sister will like. Diane Von Furstenberg has her office right up the street from were I am working. i took this pic for her. Here is also a picture of the window of the store, I thought the robots were pretty cool.

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